Through the Prism

After passing through the prism, each refraction contains some pure essence of the light, but only an incomplete part. We will always experience some aspect of reality, of the Truth, but only from our perspectives as they are colored by who and where we are. Others will know a different color and none will see the whole, complete light. These are my musings from my particular refraction.


The Cinematic Marvel Universe

We went to see The Incredible Hulk last night and had a good time. Iron Man was better, but this was still fun. But even more exciting than the individual film was the clear emergence of what Harry Knowles is calling "The Cinematic Marvel Universe." Just as the characters from different comic titles cross over, interact, and impact each other, so they are doing now that Marvel is making their own movies. In Iron Man we saw snippets of S.H.I.E.L.D. and had an after-credits scene with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury approaching Tony Stark about "a team." At the end of The Incredible Hulk, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark approaches General Ross about "a team." Marvel has already announced plans for Iron Man II, Thor, a period Captain America, and The Avengers--that previously mentioned team, starring all of the previously named heroes--over the course of the next couple of years. In addition, the military in Hulk uses weapons made by Stark Industries. It also had mentions of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury. The Hulk has an obscure reference to the super soldier serum that gave Captain America his powers. Both movies have minor characters whom we know end up as other heroes and villains. They're not just making stand-alone movies, but an entire universe of characters who will be interacting with each other for years to come.


At 6/21/2008 4:12 PM, Blogger Hadrian said...

Yet X-Men is still hanging out there by itself. I don't think this could ever be done with DC because the continuity in that Universe has never been, well... much of a continuity. Which is OK really, because I think Batman really works best as a standalone character and setting.

At 6/21/2008 5:28 PM, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

who will be interacting with each other for years to come.

We can only hope!

At 6/21/2008 9:42 PM, Blogger Degolar said...

With X-Men, Spider-Man, and other titles in the past, Marvel has sold the rights to movie studios and let them make their own stand-alone franchises. But they've recently decided to start their own movie company, so they'll have full creative control of the whole Avengers enterprise. It may not be their complete universe, but it's something.


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