Through the Prism

After passing through the prism, each refraction contains some pure essence of the light, but only an incomplete part. We will always experience some aspect of reality, of the Truth, but only from our perspectives as they are colored by who and where we are. Others will know a different color and none will see the whole, complete light. These are my musings from my particular refraction.



Just started listening to a new book that got me hooked right off the bat:

Seven o'clock on a Monday morning, five hundred years after the End of the World, and goblins had been at the cellar again. Mrs. Scattergood--the landlady at the Seven Sleepers Inn--swore it was rats, but Maddy Smith knew better. Only goblins could have burrowed into the brick-lined floor, and besides, as far as she knew, rats didn't drink ale.

But she knew that in the village of Malbry--as in the whole of the Strond Valley--certain things were never discussed, and that included anything curious, uncanny, or
unnatural in any way. To be imaginative was considered almost as bad as giving oneself airs, and even dreams were hated and feared, for it was through dreams (or so the Good Book said) that the Seer-folk had crossed over from Chaos, and it was in Dream that the power of the Faerie remained, awaiting its chance to re-enter the world.

And I like this bit.

The goblin swore in many tongues, some animal, some Faerie, and finished off by saying some very nasty things about Maddy's family, which she had to admit were mostly true.

It's too early to say much, but this looks to be a fun Norse adventure: Runemarks, by Joanne Harris. And by reading the descriptions of the gods in the cast of characters, I'm guessing Loki might play a central role.


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