Through the Prism

After passing through the prism, each refraction contains some pure essence of the light, but only an incomplete part. We will always experience some aspect of reality, of the Truth, but only from our perspectives as they are colored by who and where we are. Others will know a different color and none will see the whole, complete light. These are my musings from my particular refraction.


The Grey, Grey Clouds Have Decided to Stay with Us from Now On

Another hodgepodge of things to recently cross my path.

This is an interesting idea. I'm awaiting the book.

Religion Is about Emotion Regulation, and It’s Very Good at It

Religion's true value lies in its therapeutic power, particularly its power to manage our emotions. How we feel is as important to our survival as how we think. Our species comes equipped with adaptive emotions, such as fear, rage, lust and so on: religion was (and is) the cultural system that dials these feelings and behaviours up or down. We see this clearly if we look at mainstream religion, rather than the deleterious forms of extremism. Mainstream religion reduces anxiety, stress and depression. It provides existential meaning and hope. It focuses aggression and fear against enemies. It domesticates lust, and it strengthens filial connections. Through story, it trains feelings of empathy and compassion for others. And it provides consolation for suffering.

Emotional therapy is the animating heart of religion. Social bonding happens not only when we agree to worship the same totems, but when we feel affection for each other. An affective community of mutual care emerges when groups share rituals, liturgy, song, dance, eating, grieving, comforting, tales of saints and heroes, hardships such as fasting and sacrifice. Theological beliefs are bloodless abstractions by comparison.

The older I get, the less important I feel it is to share my beliefs and opinions. Maybe I'm finally gaining some wisdom.

It takes a long time to understand nothing.

Speaking of, it's been rather disheartening watching the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process the past few days. InspiroBot would seem to agree.

A dick doesn't always understand that he's a dick

Financial gain can cure truth

Sorry! No dehumanization for you!

See? You're doing it again. You're freaking me out.

Is the grass greener . . . ?

McCafferty's Bib

If only there were some way to shut out all this noise in my head
Oh wait there already is, it’s called McCafferty’s Bib

I used to have eleven problems, then they all went away
when I added one more called McCafferty’s Bib

Now the grey grey clouds have arrived and the grey grey clouds
have decided to stay with us from now on

I ate the whole bottle of pills and wondered what I had swallowed
and I saw that the label said McCafferty’s Bib

And then all the scenery melted away and in back of it
the only thing left was McCafferty’s Bib

And the grey grey clouds have arrived and the grey grey clouds
have decided to stay with us from now on

In cities all over the world all the people are
suddenly struck by the same idea

They’re massing in public squares and they’re singing a note
that rises from low to high

With one hand they’re holding up signs of Bob Hope
In the other hand everyone’s waving McCafferty’s Bib

The toothpaste won’t go back in the bottle since it granted our wish
and we will never be rid of McCafferty’s Bib

Dial-A-Song Video Week 20.
Do we need McCafferty's Bib?


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