Through the Prism

After passing through the prism, each refraction contains some pure essence of the light, but only an incomplete part. We will always experience some aspect of reality, of the Truth, but only from our perspectives as they are colored by who and where we are. Others will know a different color and none will see the whole, complete light. These are my musings from my particular refraction.


I'm a Lazy Blinker

A couple of weeks ago I went in for my annual eye exam so I could get another year's supply of contacts. While there I complained that I've never really been comfortable wearing my contacts because my eyes are dry. So they had me come back this morning for some testing. He gave me some eye drops and directions for stimulating the production of eye oil, and also said I need to be more deliberate in my blinking since I tend not to close my eyes fully when I do so. Strange.

Also a couple of weeks ago we noticed signs of mice--droppings around some stray dog food and our box of noodles in the basement had been munched. We put out some traps and have caught a couple. We've also seen them every so often run along the floorboard in the living room. I couldn't figure out their destination since they were going away from all food sources. Last night I finally figured out they've apparently been nesting in our main couch. Ew. We're working on catching them at the source now.


At 11/03/2006 9:19 PM, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

Don't feel too lazy... I have to wear the throwaway kind, since anything thicker suffocates my eye. Even then, I can't sleep in them, or wear them all day without a headache.

My doc recommended using moisturizing eye drops throughout the day, and upping my intake of flax oil. Any of that fatty omega-3 type oils will help.

Sorry about the mice. We had to deal with that at the cabin. Yuck!


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