One of the ways I know I'm better suited to youth services library work than management is new books. As a YS person, I made it a duty to look at every new book that came into the library. Except it wasn't a task, it was fun. I always found lots of interesting sounding books, many of which I later enjoyed reading. Since I've been working at the adult desk, I've had no interest in the new books. I'll glance at them, maybe look closely at a title or two, but have found nothing that's inspired me to do actual reading. I've read almost none of the best selling adult authors my entire life. I don't mind adult books and usually enjoy anything I read, I just don't get excited about them and find my tastes gravitating to the younger things. Usually the YA and upper J, but I consider Captain Underpants a personal favorite and there are some picture books I just love. So I like to think of myself as a fairly literate person, but I can't really claim to be that well read outside the realm of childrens and young adult literature.
Today the book that caught my eye as I walked past the new book shelf was
The Looking Glass Wars, by Frank Beddor.
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