Through the Prism

After passing through the prism, each refraction contains some pure essence of the light, but only an incomplete part. We will always experience some aspect of reality, of the Truth, but only from our perspectives as they are colored by who and where we are. Others will know a different color and none will see the whole, complete light. These are my musings from my particular refraction.


I Missed the Instructions

Finally went to see HP5 last night. On the IMAX screen in 3D. At least they said it was 3D and they handed us glasses on our way in. So as the movie started I slipped them on and waited. And waited. There was no 3D action that I could tell, but I figured it was just me. So I kept them on and wondered why there wasn't any 3D effect. Finally, as the climax approached, little glasses symbols flashed on the bottom of the screen and the movie became 3D for the big action sequences at the end. Quite cool. But if I'd known just a small segment of the movie was going to be 3D and they were going to warn us before it started, I wouldn't have worn those stupid spectacles for the rest of the film. I feel dumb in hindsight.


At 8/04/2007 6:12 PM, Blogger Hadrian said...

That's kinda funny. I would think though that it was a bit distracting, what with the flashing glasses symbol.

At 8/04/2007 10:17 PM, Blogger DaddyMan said...

I did the same thing Degolar, and so did Edh in case she won't fess up to it.

I kinda liked it better that way. I flipped 'em on and off a couple times in the beginning to make sure my eyes weren't broken and realized that the screen was darker with them I just kept them on.

I was a little disappointed there wasn't more in 3D though.

At 8/05/2007 1:04 PM, Blogger scott said...

hehe. that's pretty funny. i guess i'd heard somewhere that it'd only be the last 20 mintues or so. i hope you didn't have a terrible headache afterwards.

At 8/06/2007 10:19 PM, Blogger edh said...

shudurp. I was so enthralled that I didn't notice, really. Mainly just wondering why the 3-D malfunctioned. Then when it kicked in I felt like I'd had about 5 beers and needed to puke. But that passed and it was totally awesome!!!


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