Through the Prism

After passing through the prism, each refraction contains some pure essence of the light, but only an incomplete part. We will always experience some aspect of reality, of the Truth, but only from our perspectives as they are colored by who and where we are. Others will know a different color and none will see the whole, complete light. These are my musings from my particular refraction.


To All Library Patrons

If you ever check out a video, CD, DVD, or the like from your library and find it doesn't work, please take the time to let the library know. They're not going to blame you; they know these things can be damaged and wear out after time, and their materials get a lot of use. They want to find the ones that have served their purpose and replace them. Quietly returning the item in the book drop just passes the problem on to someone else.

Like me, for instance. I started Bud, Not Buddy this week and thought I could hear a lot of it today since I had a lot of driving around to do. But soon after I left the house I made it to disk two. As soon as I put it in, it started skipping. It wasn't long before I had to accept it was unlistenable, and I was unable to continue my book.


At 2/02/2007 11:13 PM, Blogger asdfasdfadfasd said...

Sweet Jesus this has happened to me a billion times. It drives me mad!!!

At 2/03/2007 12:48 PM, Blogger Hadrian said...

This has also happened to me a few times.

At 2/03/2007 2:35 PM, Blogger David Crowe said...

I always wait for myeerah to get home and shake it in her face and scream:
"Is this the crappy service you give all of your customers!!!! I was without entertainment and I demand my money back!!!"

She then goes about beating me around the head and genitals and telling me that I didn't pay for it in the first place and to just put a note on it and it will be taken care of. Then she calls me names and implies that I don't satisfy her sexually and says I have an inadequate manhood (which we all know is just not true).

So I put a note on whatever it is and wait for a new copy.



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