On Leaving the 'Dotte
Someone asked me if the phrase "green colorless ideas sleep furiously" is a secret reference or joke. Not really, just a bit of nonsense. But carefully constructed nonsense. In one of my linguistics classes in college it was given as the ultimate example of a sentence that makes complete sense grammatically but none whatsoever semantically. I couldn't think of a title for the post and it randomly sprang to mind.
I'm really surprised no one left any comments about Conservapedia.
One of the things I'll miss about living in Wyandotte County is running the dogs at our park. It'll still be available, I suppose, but will no longer be the closest large, green space. It's basically empty and perfect for a bit of cross country and has always been our default dog park. Plus there is the bonus that it's next to Verizon (formerly Sandstone) Amphitheater. The other night we were there with the dogs and got to hear a good bit of a Styx concert. Not quite like being in front of the stage, but it added a bit of ambiance to the run.
One thing I won't miss about living in Wyandotte County is legal fireworks. We actually thought about getting some this year since we never have and it will be our last chance, but didn't want to be part of the destruction. But it's an annual week-long (at the least) ritual to hear non-stop explosions in our area leading up to (and following) The Fourth. A fair number of the explosions are obviously not legal anywhere and scare the dogs and shake the house. We've always made it a habit to stay in for Independence Day to make sure our little friends stay safe. Over the weekend we found a dead cat in our driveway with its innards hanging out its back. We're pretty sure someone killed it next door and flung it over the fence.
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